Opportunities to Serve
At Immanuel Lutheran Church, we believe that every member of our congregation has been blessed with unique gifts and talent from God. We are called to use these gifts to serve one another and to further God’s kingdom here on earth. Our church thrives on the active participation and dedication of our members. There are a variety of ways to get involved, and we encourage you to prayerfully consider how you might use your abilities to serve.
Elected Positions
As Chairman, you’ll lead our congregation for a two-year term, guiding us through important decisions and ensuring our meetings run smoothly. You’ll preside over voter assembly meetings, using parliamentary procedure to facilitate productive discussions. In case of ties, you’ll have the deciding vote. This role also places you as an ex-officio member on all boards and committees, allowing you to provide consistent leadership across our various ministries.
The Vice-Chairman role is a unique opportunity to grow into leadership. For two years, you’ll conduct council meetings and step in for the Chairman when needed. You’ll also preside over church council meetings, gaining valuable experience. After your initial term, you’ll succeed to the position of Chairman for an additional two years, allowing for continuity in our church leadership. In this role, you will be an ex-officio member on all boards and committees of the congregation.
As Secretary, you will keep an accurate record of our church’s activities on a four-year commitment. As Secretary, you’ll take on a four-year commitment to keep accurate records of our church’s activities. Your primary responsibility will be to record the minutes of all congregation and church council meetings in books provided by and belonging to the congregation. You’ll maintain an up-to-date list of all offices and committees, including when terms expire. This information is important for the nominating committee and you’ll provide it to them immediately upon their appointment.
As Treasurer, you’ll be the steward of our congregation’s finances for a two-year term. This role involves managing financial records, making authorized disbursements, and keeping the congregation informed through regular reports. You’ll issue condensed financial updates at our quarterly meetings and provide a detailed overview at our January meeting. Additionally, you’ll work with the finance committee to prepare contribution envelopes ensuring our members can easily support our mission.
Treasurer Apprentice
As the treasurer apprentice, you will learn the duties of the treasurer over two years and succeed to the position of treasurer for another two-year term. In the absence of the treasurer, the treasurer apprentice shall perform the duties of that office.
Trust and Memorial Funds Treasurer
As the Trust and Memorial Funds Treasurer, you will be responsible for managing the financial record of all memorial gifts to our church on a four-year commitment. Your duties include servicing investments as directed by the investment committee and handling memorial funds according to donors’ wishes. You’ll keep careful accounts of these transactions in church-provided books. Regular reporting is a key part of this role – you’ll submit condensed financial reports quarterly and provide a detailed report at our January meeting. This position plays an important role in honoring the memory of loved ones while supporting our church’s financial health.
Head and Assistant Usher
The Head Usher and Assistant positions involve a two-year commitment, with the Assistant serving for one year before moving up to Head Usher for the second year. Your primary responsibility will be to ensure there’s an ushering staff present for each church service. Typically, you will need to be present every other Sunday. This role helps to maintain order and provide a welcoming atmosphere during our worship services.
Boards of the Congregation
Our church boards play a vital role in the governance and day-to-day operations of the church. Boards are expected to attend quarterly council and voters meetings. These dedicated individuals work closely with our pastor and church leadership to ensure the spiritual, educational, and physical needs of our congregation are met.
Board of Deacons
Joining the Board of Deacons is a three-year commitment to nurturing the spiritual life of our congregation. Working closely with the Pastor, you’ll meet monthly to discuss and support our church’s spiritual needs. Your responsibilities will range from encouraging regular church attendance to caring for sick or homebound members. You’ll also play a key role in identifying potential new members and participating in important staffing decisions, including the annual performance review of our Pastor.
Board of Trustees
As a member of the Board of Trustees, you’ll be entrusted with the care of our church’s physical properties for a four-year term. This hands-on role involves overseeing maintenance, making contracts, and representing the congregation in legal and business matters. You’ll have the authority to make decisions on expenses up to $5,000 without prior approval, allowing you to address urgent needs efficiently. You’ll also be involved in hiring and evaluating our custodial staff, ensuring our church remains a welcoming space for worship and fellowship.
Board of Christian Education
As a member of the Board for Christian Education, you’ll embark on a four-year term dedicated to nurturing the spiritual growth and Christian education of the children of our congregation. Primary responsibilities will be to oversee and guide various youth educational programs within the church including Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. You’ll work closely with Pastor, teachers, and volunteers to ensure that these programs and the curriculum are not only engaging but also firmly rooted in Lutheran doctrine and biblical teachings.
Committees of the Congregation
Finance Committee
- Two-year commitment.
- Consists of six members.
- Responsible for the receipts of all contributions and shall deposit same into an account established in the name of the congregation.
Auditing COmmittee
- Appointed annually.
- Consists of three members appointed by the Chairman.
- Audits the financial records of the congregation, to include the operating funds treasury, the trust and memorial fund treasury, and the cemetery association treasury.
Nominating Comittee
- Appointed for two-years.
- Consists of six members appointed by the Chairman.
- Responsibility shall be to provide a slate of candidates for those offices to be filled at the voter’s assembly.
Investment Committee
- The trust fund treasurer
- Board of Deacons
- Board of Trustees
Serve as a Volunteer
Altar Guide
- Helps maintain order in church service structure and adornment.
- Fills wine for communion services.
- Keeps candles filled.
- Dusts altar and changes paraments according to church calendar.
Ladies Aid
- Welcomes all women of Immanuel Lutheran Church.
- Supports missions in surrounding communities and the world.
- Meets on the 1st Friday of the month at 1:30 PM (except Jan, June, July).
- Affiliated with Lutheran Women Missionary League.
- Activities include quilting for missions, serving at funerals, sending cards to members and more.
- Composed of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass voices.
- All are welcome!
- Rehearsals on third and fourth Wednesdays at 6:30 PM and 8:30 PM on Sundays when singing.
- Sings in church on the last Sunday of the month and for special services.
Teaching 5th and 6th grade confirmation classes
Classes are held every Wednesday from September through April from 6:00 PM – 7:15 PM
Sunday School Teachers and Assistants
- Students range from pre-school (3 year olds) through 4th grade.
- Sunday School takes place every Sunday from September to May from 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM.
- Teachers rotate on a schedule and only teach one Sunday a month.
Vacation Bible School
Various positions available including coordinator, crew leaders, session teachers, kitchen help, set building, and promotion of the event.
Christmas Decorating
Help decorate the Church for Christmas (after Thanksgiving).
Live Stream Operation on Sundays
- Operate Live Stream of service for Facebook.
- Frequency depends on number of volunteers.
I want to volunteer!
If you are interested in volunteering for a position listed above or learning more about an elected position, please fill out the form below.