Sunday, October 27, 2024

Come join us for Reformation Sunday Service at 9:00 am.
Our German Dinner is just around the corner! It’s starts at 10:30 am to 1:00 pm. Tickets at $15.00 go on sale starting Sunday September 29th and you can either purchase them on Sunday’s after worship or during the week at the office. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. Supplemental Funds Provided by Thrivent. All proceeds benefit our Noah’s Ark Preschool. Dine in, Take out or Drive though is available.
There are only 400 tickets, and its 1st come 1st service. NO reserved tickets will be handed out or saved. Buy them NOW before it’s to late. We sold out last year before the German Dinner Day!
Donations | Volunteers:
Donations & Volunteers sheets are at the back of the church so you can sign up anytime before the week of the German Dinner. We are in need of items below.
- Carrots, Hamburger, Pork Roast, Butter, Sauerkraut, Desserts, Red & White Potatoes, Soups, Mini Marshmallows, Brown & White Sugar, Flour, White Vinegar, French Bread, & Milk.
Check the sign up sheets at church for more detail list.
- Brats, Meatballs, Glazed Carrots, Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, German Potato Salad, Sauerkraut, Dessert, Coffee, Milk and Water