Supporting Noah’s Ark Preschool

On Sunday, November 24th, the preschool is hosting an Advent Festival at the Brownton Area Civic Center. There will be crafts available for purchase, each for a small fee, along with a table staffed by volunteers to help facilitate the crafts. The crafts will cater to a variety of ages, including adults.
Also on site will be the Lefse group, who will be making and serving fresh lefse!
This event is open to all preschool families and the public. I will be looking for volunteers to help facilitate the crafts, so please let me know if you or a family member would like to help instead of participating.
Additionally, I’ll be collecting items for some of the crafts. The first item needed is clean tin cans with smooth edges and the paper removed. We’re looking for larger cans, such as those for beans, tomatoes, or chunky soups—not the small soup cans. Cans can be sent to school or left in the box on the bookshelf outside of the classroom.
Stay tuned to our Facebook page for project details!
Vicki Herrmann
Noah’s Ark Preschool
“Be Strong and courageous. Do not be terrified for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”
Joshua 1:9